​ Coolbellup Learning Centre

Welcome to the Coolbellup Learning Centre Website
Coolbellup Learning Centre is a primary Education Support Centre catering for students from Kindergarten to year six with a range of disabilities including global developmental delay, intellectual, physical disabilities and/or Autism.
Individualised Education Programs are delivered in a supportive learning environment where students are ​encouraged to develop independence skills whilst striving to develop their abilities and achieve their personal best.
Our grounds and facilities cater for high needs students and are wheelchair friendly. We are the only Education Support Centre in this area. There is a school bus service available for students residing in suburbs such as Bicton, Willagee, Melville, Spearwood, Yangebup, Fremantle, Kardinya, Leeming and the surrounding Coolbellup areas.
Individual Education Programs (IEPs) are developed in collaboration with parents/carers, interagency and school staff. Life skills and functional programs are combined with academic programs enabling students to develop the skills required to actively participate in their local communities. We strive to ensure our students have the best possible educational experiences to acquire the skills, attitudes and qualities to cope with life’s challenges.
Additional Programs
The Centre runs a number of specifically targeted programs such as:
Autism program
AAC Program (Alternative Augmentative Communication)
Protective Behaviours program
iPad program
Social Skills program
Functional Programs (incuding cooking)
Fundamental Movement Skills program
Kindy early intervention program
Pre-Kindy Transition Program - Terms 3 & 4
The Learning Centre is co-located with the Coolbellup Community School which can provide opportunities for our students to integrate with their mainstream peers. Whole site activities are planned to cater for all students on the site and include sports days, incursions and excursions as well as involvement in the school choir and combined events such as assemblies and graduation.
In class integration programs may be negotiable with the primary school on an individually designed basis, as appropriate to the individual needs of both schools and students. The Centre is committed to providing programs of work that are negotiated between the staff of both schools and focus on areas of student strength. In all cases integration is only possible with the agreement of the Primary School.
All staff at the Learning Centre are specialist trained and experienced in catering for students with high support needs. They are highly motivated and have developed strong, positive relationships with students and their families in order to foster the best possible outcomes for the students they support. Teachers and Education Assistants participate in professional learning programs to enhance their skills and inform their practices. Our staff are highly accomplished with two teachers winning the WA Education Support Principals' and Administrators Association's Primary Teacher of the Year Award, our Principal winning 2012 Education Support Leadership Award and most recently a teacher winning both the prestigious Apple Educator & NEiTA Awards.
Parents/carers and students are encouraged to visit the Centre. Enrollment is based on meeting the entry criteria of intellectual disability and/or Autism . Eligibility is overseen by the Department ‘s South Metropolitan Regional Office. A Local Placement for students with extremely high education needs who may not meet the above criteria may be eligible to enroll on application, please contact the school to discuss this option further.
More information regarding the enrollment policy can be obtained from the Learning Centre Principal, 94879502
Education Support South Network
Coolbellup Learning Centre is a member of the Education Support South Network - a community of K-12
Education Support schools of choice, collaboratively building the capacity of its members to deliver quality
education. Our 24 Network schools are leaders of educational excellence for students with special education
needs in the South Metropolitan region. ​
I hope that you find your visit to our website informative. Please feel free to contact me should you have
any inquiries or wish to provide feedback.
Kind regards,
Pauline Winrow