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Here are some interesting links to sites and information of interest.

Education Support South Network



A website for the Network of education support schools, centres and facilities in the South Metro Region.

Information on local Education Support Schools and Centres.


School Bus Services.

School Bus Services (SBS) is responsible for providing eligible rural students and students with special needs free Transport Assistance to travel to and from school on contracted ‘orange’ school buses.

These services are critical to ensure that students are able to attend school regularly


Developmental Disability WA - Health Support

Navigating the health and wellbeing of your family or the person you support can  be confusing and overwhelming at this difficult time. DDWA are available to support our families and members navigate this very important planning need in ways that you might find helpful.

DDWA is also available if you  would like support to:
1.Understand and talk about how to be prepared in relation to Coronavirus planning for yourself or your family member
2. Access resources that you may need or find helpful in your planning
3.Access advocacy and support around your families health needs and plan

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.


New STEM parent booklet for families with children in Kindergarten to Year 2


Exploring STEM at home provides parents with activities and ideas to support their children’s learning and development at home.


Click on the link to Download your copy of Exploring STEM at home.


WA Disabled Sports Association



WADSA works with our schools and networks to support students with disabilities across the state.

They offer sporting, camping and a range of other activities to suit a diverse range of needs.

They run a number of holiday programs that cater for many interests.



Each child with disability eligible for the NDIS will access reasonable and necessary supports via an individual plan which will be developed collaboratively with the child, their family and the NDIS team. For many young children, NDIS plans will comprise one or more of the following: early intervention strategies, equipment, behaviour management and family support initiatives. Increasingly, early intervention, therapy and family support will be provided by non-government disability sector organisations.

Within the school system, educational programs for children with disability are also driven by personalised learning and support plans, of which the most common is the individual education plan (IEP).  Detailed plans are developed to include educational outcomes, curriculum learning areas, social needs and personal care requirements for each child. The classroom teacher(s) and support staff are responsible for implementing these plans.


Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre


The Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre (EDAC) is the peak advocacy organisation in WA and aims to safeguard the rights of ethnic people with disabilities and their families. Advocacy types include:

  • Individual

  • Regional

  • Systemic







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