​ Coolbellup Learning Centre
Home Learning Support
Each of our students has an IEP - these are written collaboratively and shared with families. The IEP is a great place to start when you are working with your child at home. Where offsite Larning is required students will be supplied with work packages - the items below are additional ideas and suggestions for families.
Our school also uses Reading Eggs and Maths Seeds within our programs. Students have access to these programs from home - Parents/carers have been provided with the access code - which is the same code for both programs.
Functional Programs are focused on at school and are a great to focus on when working with your child at home.
Here are some ideas - which count as learning opportunities:
washing dishes
setting the table
making the bed
collecting and sorting washing
dressing and shoe lace tying
feeding pets
writing lists
cooking and food preparation
any counting activity
rhymes and singing
listening to and playing music
reading books, magazines
riding a bike
puzzles and games
WEBSITES - Online Learning Activities
There are a range of websites with great free activities aimed at the diverse needs of our students. The Australian Special Education Principals' Association - ASEPA - has a list on their website.www.asepa.edu.au
The Department of Education is also providing parents with a range of curriculum access materials at their Learning at home website. The website is now available and resources will continue to be added over the coming weeks. This site also contains information regarding student health and well being.
Additional Home Learning Support ideas and Links
From Garden to Plate - CLC Student's Cookbook
Our students participate in a range of activities including gardening and cooking as part of their functional skills programs. With the assistance of a Woolworth's Grant we used our skills to make our own cookbook, called Garden to Plate. The cookbook includes visuals to assist children to read and follow the recipes. These are some of the recipes we use at school.
You can download your copy here - Happy cooking!
Some families will continue to have access and/or support from their regular
therapy providers. Following your child's therapy programme at home will
provide you with a range of additional activities.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.