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Networks and Associations

Coolbellup Learning Centre is a member of the Education Support South Network of Schools.

The Education Support South Network was formed to represent  and provide support to its 26 education support member schools in the south metropolitan Region.  Coolbellup Learning Centre is an active member school that hosts and participates in a range of Network activities, such as the ESSN Primary sports days. The Learning Centre's Principal is also the Network Principal and can be contacted for any issues regarding the Network on 9337 7343.


The Network (ESSN) has a terrific website which we urge parents/carers and those interested in supporting the Network to visit.   The website is available in 17 languages so is  accessible to everyone. There is a dedicated section for information for parents/carers.


The photo gallery contains images from each of the 22 schools and includes artworks students have entered into each term’s  art competition. 


The Network produces a newsletter each term which is available from their website. ESSN also has a facebook page.


There is lots to see at the website.  Find out more at:

or click on the Take the Tour button.




From the Sunsmart Schools Newsletter:


Thumbs up to our new SunSmart Schools.

In the last few months Cancer Council WA has welcomed loads of new SunSmart Schools - Baldivis Gardens PS, Beechboro Christian School, Coolbellup Learning Centre, Dardanup PS, Dunsborough PS, Leeming PS, Little Grove PS, Mary's Mount Catholic Primary School, Northshore Christian Grammar, Trayning PS and Woodlands PS. Wow!

Thank you to all of our SunSmart Schools members for promoting sun protection in your school community. 

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